Category Archives: Celebrations

A pause before crawling

One by one, the babies in our yoga class, play groups and PEPS group have left the land of immobility. I’ll watch a baby slide backwards on his tummy, or push up into downward dog not sure what to do next, or plane in frustration, prone as a snake, and then the next time I see him he will be crawling from one corner to another as fast as a door slams.

Parents will tell me how they hastened the crawl by helping […]

Building our traditions

I have an old shoebox I keep close at hand these days, and I pull it out when Quinn is self-entertaining for a minute or two, or when she is asleep and I’m not. Inside is a needle and thread, tiny jinglebells, gold glitter, a red felt stocking, and felt shapes that I drew and cut out. I am a terrible sewer: I usually just wear a coat with a button missing rather than repair it, and I couldn’t even […]