Category Archives: Emotional wellness

How do you tell your parenting stories?

My whole life, I’ve been a chameleon. I like people and I like peace, and for some reason I’ve never found it that strange to be able to say one thing with one crowd, and something else in another setting. I’ve never really lied about my viewpoints or feelings, but I go out of my way to find common ground, sometimes stretching my ground way beyond its natural territory to make that happen.

I went right from an all-girls private Catholic […]

Yummy mummies and other lame names

I have had it with this whole Yummy Mummy- Hot Mama-MILF thing. Are we really supposed to be empowered that people still find us attractive even though we’ve given birth to a kid or two? Should it really be that surprising, when the average American woman has her first child at 25, that she is still good looking? It just seems like the weirdest and most sexist insult/compliment ever.

Do we go out of our way to note whether an attractive […]

What to do on a day like today

I see the malaise everywhere I go these days. Mamas with bundled up babies hitting the parks only to find them empty. Daddies and toddlers getting wet walking around the zoo. Summer parenting is just so fun, so easy, so carefree. I see the look on other parents’ faces these days that echoes my own: What do we DO with these guys now??

Well, have no fear. I’ve got a few ideas for you on what to do when skies are […]

Zen mama

I am not just a control freak, I am an I-need-to -stay-alert-every-second-of-the-flight-or-else-the-plane-will-crash control freak. I am also a planner, a list-maker, an organizer and a workaholic.

Or, wait, I mean I was those things. A long time ago. Back before I became a mom. (Just 14 months ago.)

I had approached motherhood the way I had approached all other milestones: with a carefully detailed five-year-plan that I followed to a T. Hubby and I married in 2004, I got my Master’s Degree […]

The hardest job you’ll ever love

I never thought breastfeeding would be so difficult for me. I also never dreamed it could be so rewarding.

My mom nursed my sister and me well into our toddlerhoods effortlessly and I always thought I would do the same. My main reason for wanting a natural birth was so my baby and I could get off to a good nursing start. I read all the books, got all the gear, and braced myself for sore nipples and some awkward first […]

Mama Bear in a pink bathrobe

It turns out I am not a super-cool 20-something wearing stovepipe jeans and an understated T-shirt, drinking a PBR and affecting boredom while listening to a live band.

On the contrary, turns out I’m now the nemesis of such a person. Let me explain.

A few weeks ago, I hit my mothering low. I mean ROCK BOTTOM. Q went straight from yucky cold to epic teething to first sore throat, and somewhere during that last transition, she stopped nursing. I don’t mean […]

How I survived the two weeks AFTER my due date

This time last year, I was very, very pregnant. My due date had come and gone and I’d stopped working a few weeks before, so my primary occupation was waiting for my baby.

Throughout my pregnancy, I had heard that the average first baby is eight days “late,” but I still didn’t expect that to happen to ME. My baby had turned head down early, she had dropped early, and my Braxton Hicks had been building for months.

At 40-plus weeks, squatting […]