Tag Archives: friends

Bigger kids, bigger problems . . .

With my oldest daughter approaching 2.5, life as a mommy is getting scarier. Wait, that sounds worse than I meant it to.

A lot of things are easier. My toddler sleeps through the night in her own bed most nights ( though my five-month-old sure doesn’t so I’m not exactly reaping the benefits).

My toddler also can use her words to tell me what she needs. And she usually does. Though she sometimes resorts to a simple, effective “No, no, no!! No, […]

I need a sister wife!

Poor baby. She wakes up in the morning (be it 4 or 7 a.m…) cooing and crowing at the window, a giant grin spread across her little pink, cherubic face. Her feet are kicking, her arms are pumping, her heart is full of gladness and she turns to me with all of the richness of her angelic little being, eager to bask in the delight of the moment together, and who better to share it with then her mama, the […]

What to do on a day like today

I see the malaise everywhere I go these days. Mamas with bundled up babies hitting the parks only to find them empty. Daddies and toddlers getting wet walking around the zoo. Summer parenting is just so fun, so easy, so carefree. I see the look on other parents’ faces these days that echoes my own: What do we DO with these guys now??

Well, have no fear. I’ve got a few ideas for you on what to do when skies are […]

Splash season, we hardly knew ye

If you’ve been waiting for just the right time to hit the wading pool with your tot, your days are numbered.

That’s right, though it seems like the wading pools just opened last week, most of them have already closed for the season (Bitter Lake, Carl Anderson, Dahl, Delridge, E. Queen Anne, E.C. Hughes, Hiawatha, Soundview, South Park, Wallingford). The rest have just days remaining (wrings hands nervously):

Magnuson Wading Pool (7400 Sand Point Way NE), which is open from 12 to […]