This time around

This time around, I will tell who I want, when I want.

This time around, I will not run to the bathroom every five minutes to “just check” my underwear for red.

This time around, I will not Google every little symptom or read the “complications” chapters just to freak myself out.

This time around, I will fight nausea to the death.

This time around, I will breathe more, worry less, and enjoy my growing belly.

This time around, I will be due in “early June.” I will forget any expectations more early than that and ignore the people who ask when I’ll be induced.

This time around, my baby’s coming when it’s coming. I will walk hills, have sex, eat spicy food, have foot massages and scrub my kitchen floor for my own enjoyment and NOT to hasten baby’s arrival.

This time around, I might have a piece of (low-mercury) sushi and a half-glass of wine in the third trimester. I will eat as much soft serve ice cream as I want in every trimester.

This time around, I am much more nervous about childbirth, breastfeeding and caring for a newborn (because I know what to expect!!).

This time around, I’m asking friends and family to bring me food, taking them up on their offers to hold the baby, and getting out of the house (without the babe) at least once a week, even if it’s only for 10 minutes.

This time around, I am glad I’ll have a (nearly two-year-old) mommy’s helper. But I might get a postpartum doula anyway.

This time around, I wasn’t quite ready to get pregnant again, but I am so excited to be having another baby!

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